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Dog Daycare

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5 little pups scaled

Dog Daycare with eWoof

We’re Sorry

we are currently full for doggy daycare 

and not currently taking on new customers.

If you want to find 5 star rated, local dog daycare near you, look no further.  We welcome sociable and well behaved dogs to our home to enjoy a day of company, play, exercise, sleep and cuddles.

We have 2 walks in the day for fit and healthy dogs and we offer enrichment options for dogs that are a little too old or too young, or not so able to keep up with the big dogs.  If you are looking for dog daycare near you, read more about our service, below.

Benefits of Daycare

Many Owners use eWoof for their regular daycare needs while they are at work, but we also have Customers that have realised it’s actually a great idea to give their dog a break from home life so that they can learn to be sociable and get used to unfamiliar surroundings and people.

This is invaluable in an emergency or when you need holiday boarding – you know your dog will be settled with us and you can also pre-book your holidays with peace of mind as we only take dogs that we know are comfortable in our home environment.  Our daycare dogs also have priority for home-boarding dates.

Dog daycare is available only as a regular service.  Just like children’s daycare, you pay for a space every week to guarantee it is there for you. See our FAQs for more information.

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£27.50 per day

Guaranteed weekly daycare place

Available Mon-Fri / 8am to 6pm (max 6 dogs per day)

Frequently Asked Questions about Doggy Daycare

Absolutely. It’s a criminal offence to run a business providing daycare services in your home without a valid license.  Licenses are issued in accordance with THE ANIMAL WELFARE (LICENSING OF ACTIVITIES INVOLVING ANIMALS) (ENGLAND) REGULATIONS 2018.

Businesses that risk not being licensed may receive a fine and even imprisonment.

eWoof is very proud to confirm that we have the highest welfare inspection rating possible, for home boarding.
Licensed by Buckinghamshire Council (Licence number: LC202112-72798)- with a 5 STARS rating – and a licence valid for the maximum 3 year duration, through to 2025.

Licensed premises are inspected to ensure that all welfare and safety considerations have been met and that the premises are suitable and safe for your dog.  The person caring for your dog will need to demonstrate experience and knowledge to the Inspector in order to be awarded with their license.  They will have written policies on every aspect of your dog’s welfare and safety, meaning that these areas will have been carefully thought through and not left to chance.

Your daycare provider must display their license for you to see and will ask you to provide evidence of vaccination records and complete information and consent forms so that they understand exactly how to care for your dog.

The inspection process is rigorous and anyone that has received their license will have gone through a lot of diligence and preparation to meet the high standards of care required.

We’re sure you want the best care for your dog so we think you probably should care – even if you weren’t aware that this industry is regulated!

Yes, our license requires us to see evidence that your dog is currently covered for Canine Distemper, Canine Adenovirus and Canine Parvovirus. This is collectively known as DHP and will usually be identified as a single vaccination shot on you record card.

We are also required to request vaccination against Leptospirosis.  You may see this as L2 or L4.

This should all be registered on your vaccination schedule from your vet and will have a date next to it to tell you when the next booster is required.   Your dog must be covered for all of its vaccinations during their stay with us.

If you have a positive Titre Test Result, we will just require evidence that your dog is up to date with their Lepto vaccination as Lepto can not be titre tested for.

We DO NOT require the kennel cough vaccination.


We happily accept a positive titre test.  Please remember that Leptospirosis can not be titre tested and we will require evidence of a current vaccination for Lepto.

You reserve your day with us and it’s yours. A bit like childcare – whether you use the day or not, it’s paid for. That includes time off for sickness, bad weather, holidays etc. Your peace of mind that you always have a place with us.

We know that our customers rely on us to be there when we are needed so we wouldn’t want to risk you not having a space if we literally booked guests as first come / first served.

On the odd occasion where you may pay for an unused day – just imagine the hassle and cost if we couldn’t look after Fido on that all important day when you have a meeting with the boss about that promotion!!

On the flip side – no one likes to pay for something they don’t use – and we try to be very fair – so we also ask you to give us plenty of notice for holidays and planned absence and if we can fill your space to save you money – we will do that!

We’re also happy to switch days (within the same week) if we have availability, at no extra cost.

Most are, but not all dogs are comfortable in all day-care environments.  For that reason it’s really important to meet your prospective day-care provider, any resident dogs in the home, children in the household and generally to ensure the set up is conducive to the type of dog you own.  

For example, kitchen counters full of food and ‘stuff’ may not be ideal for big dogs where the household is used to very small dogs and homes with sight hounds aren’t always ideal for small fluffy pups!  Always expect and insist on a meet and greet to see for yourself.  Your home day-care provider should be more than happy to invite you to visit their home, be worried if they don’t!

I’m afraid we cannot have dogs that do not like the company of other dogs.  We have our own resident dog and up to 6 daycare dogs staying with us each day.  If your dog doesn’t like other dogs and shows any form of aggression or stress, our home will not be a suitable environment for them.

We understand that Owners want to provide opportunities for their dog to socialise and learn to enjoy other dogs company however NOT ALL DOGS LIKE THE COMPANY OF OTHER DOGS.

We would strongly advise that you do not ‘force’ them to be in an environment in which they are not comfortable and recognise that some dogs prefer a quieter life or perhaps just human company.  Placing them in a stressful environment can inadvertently cause behavioural issues and have the opposite effect, making them more dog-averse.  In a worst case scenario you may be putting us, our own dog and guest dogs at danger of being bitten.

Please be honest with us about your dog so that we can work with you to offer alternative options to keep everyone safe and happy.

Your dog’s happiness and safety is paramount to us.  We insist on a strict introductory process to make sure that all parties are happy. That means us, you and your dog.

  • Join us at our home to see where your dog will be spending its day. We observe your dog interacting with us and our home and it’s your opportunity to ask us anything you need to know about our service.  We will also take this as an opportunity to assess how your dog settles with us and any other dogs present, in a new environment.

  • If everyone’s happy, we book a trial day and agree on which dates you will require going forward.  The trial is important because we have several different dogs throughout the week, which your pup won’t have met yet. We do ask you to be available on the trial day or make sure that your emergency contact is available.  We’ve not had to call an emergency contact yet BUT they are there for a reason so they must know that they could be called on.
Does this all sound quite involved?  In reality, we can have a successful meet & greet wrapped up in as little as 30-40 minutes if everyone is happy!

I’m afraid not!

The meet & greet and the trial are both very important.  If we took a dog without going through this process, it could be a non-starter on the day you really need to rely on us.

We understand that time is often of the essence so we could offer a couple of walks instead if you need to leave your dog at home for the day. As long as we can meet your dog briefly and your dog is comfortable for us to collect them, it may be a viable alternative.

Take a look at our dog walking service for more information if this sounds like an option.

8-9.00am General excitement while our daycare guests are dropped off and catch up with their buddies

9-9.30am Breakfast club for the pups that require it – with a break before we set off for any exercise

10-11.00am – Walk 1

11.00am – General excitement as we all get back to the house, and a snooze for most, following a good run-around.

12.30pm – Feeding time for the pups that need a midday feed

1-2.00pm – Playtime and / or cuddles and a sit down together – we use this time to check over the dogs and ensure there are no ticks, seeds or thorns in paws, ears or fur.

2-3.00pm – Walk 2

3.00pm – More general excitement back at the house, because…we’re back at the house!

3.30pm – It can go either way at this point – pooped or playful – we go with the flow!  Our guests have the run of the downstairs and garden and can play or relax.  Sometimes we can see they aren’t sure how to relax so we help them to take time out and settle to stop over-stimulation. 

5-6.00pm – Home time

We make sure that we provide opportunities for sleep and downtime for dogs that find it difficult to switch off and young pups that need their rest.  Most dogs will take themselves off to rest but for those with FOMO (fear of missing out) – we help them to settle by removing them from over stimulation and maintaining a quiet and calm environment for part of the day.

The arrival of the postman doesn’t always help!

You can use this form which captures some of the initial information we would ask for.You can also use the details at the bottom of the page to call, email, text or whatsapp us.

Congratulations, you’re part of the eWoof family.  We take care of everything, all you need to bring is

  • a lead – make sure your dog has a collar with a tag too, it’s required by law when your dog is out in public.
  • food – if you would like us to feed your dog during the day – our bowl or yours – whatever is preferred.
  • car harness – with your permission we may take your pup further afield for walks but we must insist on suitable restraints while in the car if we do.
  • a coat – this is really useful to help us keep your pup clean as we will go out in rainy weather…and that means mud! It also helps us to keep the house a little cleaner when the pack get home!
  • an old towel 

We know, there are a couple of forms to complete but: 

  1. We are required by law to capture specific information such as vaccination records and we must have your consents for certain aspects of your dog’s care as part of our licensing regulations.
  2. The more information we have about your pup, the better equipped we are to look after them and in the event of an emergency we can deal with matters quicker and more efficiently.
Once completed, you only need to update us if anything changes – job done!
You can find our daycare consent and information form here and our veterinary release form here
We take our guests safety very seriously in terms of welfare, health and environment. If you would like to see our policies, these are available when you visit.Safety
  • The garden is secured by locked doors and gates all round with 6ft fencing in place
  • The front door has a double latch system to ensure it can’t be left open by mistake
  • High internal secondary barrier to prevent dogs getting to the front door and accidentally escaping
  • Two smoke alarms and an optical smoke sensor
  • Fire blanket
  • Emergency evacuation process in place in case of emergency
  • Separate utility room to store food and belongings
  • Separate storage / refrigeration for raw feeders
  • Lockable box for medication
  • Canine first aid trained

Guests have the full run of the ground floor of the house with access to a large self contained garden.

  • Underfloor heating
  • Filtered tap water, replenished regularly
  • Scatter rugs, dog-beds & sofas throughout the house for use by all
  • Country walks 
  • Air conditioning during particularly hot periods
  • Doggy paddling pool in Summer
  • Large garden
  • Open plan house with bi-fold back doors for those lazy sunny days when no-one wants to stay in!
  • Raw-feeding friendly
  • Toys for all
  • Daycare from 8am to 6pm: £27.50 per day
  • (Public holidays are charged at double time)
We accept payment by cash or bank transfer – payable either
  • monthly in advance
  • on the last day of the week that we care for your dog or
  • daily on a pay-as-you-go basis.

Next Steps to Booking Dog Daycare with eWoof

So you’ve decided you like what you’ve read, how do we make this happen?

  • Call Sam on 07903 935 078 or email to discuss what days you need and to tell us a bit about your dog.
  • If we can offer the days requested, we will arrange a meet & greet with you and your dog.
  • After a successful meeting, we’ll arrange a trial daycare session with a view to booking in your future dates.

eWoof is Licensed, Fully Insured & Professional

bucks council logo
License number
Insured for your safety & protection
ADB logo 1
Professional Membership
eWoof approved by Dog Care Professionals UK
Professional Membership